⚠️ $700k Needed ⚠️

Finish Emergency Construction
at 120 Year Old Masjid Building


Donate Now to Finish Emergency Construction!

Our 120 year old Masjid Building desperately needs repairs

We started Emergency construction and need $700k to finish

Donate Now to Finish Construction!

Completed Construction


New Roof

Electricity & Plumbing

Structural Steel

⚠️ $700k Needed ⚠️

Donate Now to Get The Rewards Of:

⚠️ New Masjid Exterior ⚠️

⚠️ New Musalla & Carpets ⚠️

⚠️ New Masjid Mihrab ⚠️

⚠️ New Wudu Bathrooms ⚠️

⚠️ New Masjid Exterior ⚠️

⚠️ New Musalla & Carpets ⚠️

⚠️ New Masjid Mihrab ⚠️

⚠️ New Wudu Bathrooms ⚠️

⚠️ New Masjid Elevator ⚠️

⚠️ New HVAC Systems ⚠️

⚠️ New Quran Classrooms ⚠️

⚠️ New Counseling Room ⚠️

Donate NOW to Help Finish Construction!

Scholars Want YOU to Donate and help FINISH MASJID CONSTRUCTION!

Sh. Abduraheem McCarthy

From Qatar

"The Masjid has an emergency crisis.
There are broken windows in the masjid, the prayers carpets are ripped and both the wall and ceilings have leaks and damages. We urgently need to collect the funds to save this house of Allah."

Shaykh Navaid Aziz

From Canada

"The Masjid in dire need of your support to revamp the building. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: whoever builds a house of Allah, Allah will build them a house in Paradise. Donate whatever you can right now!"

Shaykh Yusha Evans

From Texas, USA

"We desperately need your support to save this house of Allah. Your donation will help install new prayer carpets, new wudu areas, a new roof and help many reverts in need. Please give whatever you can, may Allah reward you!"

Imam Ibrahim Bakeer

From Kansas City, USA

"The Masjid has an emergency crisis.
There are broken windows in the masjid, the prayers carpets are ripped and both the wall and ceilings have leaks and damages. We urgently need to collect the funds to save this house of Allah."

Shaykh Zakareeya Baksh

From Florida, USA

"The Masjid in dire need of your support to revamp the building. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: whoever builds a house of Allah, Allah will build them a house in Paradise. Donate whatever you can right now!"

Imam Siraj Wahhaj

From New York City, USA

"We desperately need your support to save this house of Allah. Your donation will help install new prayer carpets, new wudu areas, a new roof and help many reverts in need. Please give whatever you can, may Allah reward you!"

The Masjid ‘Eesa ibn Maryam project is led by NYC Muslim Center - the same team that built the Largest Islamic Center in NYC.

Alhamdulillah, we have begun construction to revamp and save the 120 year old Masjid Building!

Construction is happening RIGHT NOW and your support is needed to keep the construction going!
These 10 days are the MOST REWARDING DAYS OF THE YEAR - Donate NOW!

"Whoever builds a MASJID for Allah, Allah will build for them a house in PARADISE"

-The Prophet, peace be upon him
Please donate so we can FINISH Masjid Construction!

The Masjid has BROKEN Windows, RIPPED Carpets and LEAKING Ceilings - Please Help!

Our Masjid building was built in 1902, over 120 years ago. Unfortunately, the Masjid has broken windows, ripped prayer carpets and leaks in the walls and ceilings. 

Your donation will revamp the Masjid by purchasing and installing new windows, prayer carpets and a brand new exterior roof.

Our Wudu Areas are Extremely Old and Don't Have Heat

Our Wudu bathrooms have no heat, making each act of Wudu a cold hardship. Your donation can restore warmth and comfort, helping hundreds of Muslims pray comfortably.
Donate to build new wudu areas and get tremendous rewards!

Our Guests

Masjid 'Eesa ibn Maryam has worked with many scholars and guests including:

Shaykh Yusuf

Shaykh Omar

Sh Abduraheem

Dr. Suzy

Shaykh Yusha

Imam Siraj

Shaykh Karim

Shaykh Osman Adam

Dr. Hatem
al Haj

Dr. Kareem

Brother Boonaa

Sister Aisha

Dr. Tahir

Sh. Muhammad

Shaykh Navaid

Shaykh Mohamad

Br. Eddie Redzovic
The Deen Show

Shaykh Yaser

Every Donation Makes a Difference
Donate Now to Finish Emergency Masjid Construction!


History Awaits You

You’ll Join Your Brothers and Sisters from over 100 Countries Worldwide to Finish this Historic Project

First Come, First Served - Limited Spots Available

Donate Now to Secure Your Name in History
© Masjid 'Eesa ibn Maryam 2025, a Project of NYC Muslim Center, All Rights Reserved
9020 191st Street, Hollis, NY, 11423
NYCMC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Tax ID:273308812  Donations@NYCMuslimCenter.org